This Flask crash course is a basic introduction to the web framework and learn about basic data structure concepts at the very low level by building a Flask API with Python.
The data structures covered in this course are:
- Linked List.
- Hash Table.
- Binary Search Tree.
- Stacks and Queues.
An interesting feature in this course is the use of SQLAlchemy, an Object Relational Mapper which the goal is: to give application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL, and Sqlite3 to store the testing data.
In order to install all the necessary pre-requisites you can do the following (I used Visual Studio Code but it can be easily developed in VIM):
- Install Python.
- It is recommended to add Python to PATH.
- Create a virtual environment or venv in your IDE project.
- Activate the environment.
- Install Flask.
- Flask can be installed using pip:
pip install Flask
- Flask can be installed using pip:
- (Optional) if you’re asked to update pip inside your virtual environment please read the answers of this thread first, as I encountered a couple of issues there and my pip was removed in the process.
- Install Flask-SQLAlchemy.
- Flask-SQLAchemy can be installed using pip:
pip install flask-sqlalchemy
- Flask-SQLAchemy can be installed using pip:
- Install Sqlite3 or download the portable version.
- And the last step (I know), is to download and install Postman to make dummy testing requests.
This project and course is a fork from selikapro repo which did a great job putting this together and the best of all there is a Youtube video where everything is explained step-by-step from the installation, configuration to the data structures used across the routes.